Friday, September 7, 2018

Breaking News - Budapest Church Plant

Breaking News!
Lord willing we will be planting a new church in Budapest, Hungary within the next year! This is something we have been thinking and praying about for about 5 years now. We believe that the time has come to move forward in this direction.

Why Budapest?
Budapest is the center of Hungary in virtually every aspect: politics, education, economy, religion, culture, and finance. With a population of 1.8 million people it boasts nearly 1/5th of the population of the country. Operation World estimates that only 2.8% of Hungarians are evangelical Christians. If we apply that statistic to Budapest, that leaves more than 1.7 million people there who need to hear the Gospel!

Our Vision:
Our vision is to plant a truly vertical church in the heart of this great city that points directly to the majesty of our God and His Son Jesus Christ. We desire a church centered on God’s glory that is passionate in worship, faithful to the Word, fervent in prayer and bold in its witness; a church that makes disciples who love God, love each other and serve their fellow man. But our vision is not only for a worshipping church, but a sending church as well. It is our goal to see this church become a center for leadership training and church planting that will have an impact on the entire nation and beyond.

Our Timeline:
We are currently working on developing strategic partnerships for the church plant. I am also seeking out key individuals who will form the base of our core group. Lord willing, we will begin holding vision meetings early next year to work on building a strong core group with a goal of launching the new church in the Fall of 2019.

What about Esztergom?
I will continue to pastor the church in Esztergom. I will pastor the church in Budapest as a second church, as I did with Tata in the past. I am currently hoping to bring on an assistant pastor, who will be able to help me carry the load in both Esztergom and Budapest.

Our Needs:
We are seeking both individuals and churches who will partner with us especially through the next three years during the preparation, launch and new church stage. We desperately need a strong prayer base who will commit to praying for this church plant on a regular basis. We also need financial support for equipment, rent, ministry related travel, and advertising. If you would like to be a partner in the Budapest church plant, please drop us a line at We would love to hear from you!

Marc, Charin, Nancy, Esther and Hannah Patton

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